
Why are slogans memorable ?
They are memorable as they are catchy and very easy to remember due to rhymes.

Advertising Techniques

Technique                                 Reason

Brand summary                        Makes the brand benefits and specialities clear

Brief                                         Clear and to the point

Rhymes                                    Sticks in the mind, easy to remember

Repetition of brand               Repeating something three times or more helps it to become memorable

Alliteration                            Similar to rhyming

Use of second person            Consumer feels spoken to personally and involved in product or
                                              identity on offer.

Use of everywhere               Indicates the company unswerving/timeless

Imperatives                          Assertive demands designed to sweep the consumer along in agreement

Use of capitals                      For emphasis

Humor                                  Consumers are entertained, so tend to be well disposed towards the brand

Use of puns                          Gives a second layer of meaning to impress the consumer with its
                                              smartness and novelty.

 This is good advertising as it big and bold and it stands out. Nice colours used. Repetition is used swell.


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